Meetings, Revolutionized.
Mirror | Mirror is next-generation video conferencing software that makes remote meetings more engaging and your organization more productive.


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Legacy videoconferencing puts you and your presentation in different windows or different screens, making it difficult to pay attention to both.

Our Technology

Our patented technology puts you and your presentation in one frame, like the weatherman. Your audience can see your facial expressions, read your body language, and see you point, making your presentations richer and more informative. It's the best of videoconferencing and screen-sharing, plus a little magic.

Use the mobile app when you're on the go!

The mobile app provides all the functionality of the Web app, with the addition of a "Low Distraction Mode" with large minimal controls and audio without video.
NOTE: Our iOS® app is in development. The iOS® app will become available when iOS® provides in-app support for media functions used by Mirror | Mirror, projected for late 2018.


Mirror | Mirror provides a new and more useful format for remote meetings that puts you in the space of your presentation. This way of giving presentations was inspired by television weather reports, a now familiar example of highly engaging and attention-grabbing communication that has not yet made its way onto our computers.

Including lesson material in the same frame as the educator is a strong attention management strategy, making virtual classroom environments more effective.
Image incorporation in the same window as the presenter is an effective way to communicate data and schematics for business and pitches.
Collaborate remotely with peers.

We would like to see everyone in business, tech, and education have more productive and enjoyable meetings with their colleagues around the world. We seek to empower individuals and organizations to educate each other and to make well-informed decisions, faster, cheaper, and better.


Each participant can take turns driving the presentation, facilitating question and answer discussions, or enabling presentations in which multiple remote parties may take turns delivering their own portions of the material. The current version of Mirror | Mirror works with ordinary webcams like those built into nearly every laptop.